Monday, November 16, 2009

One more question before I go to bed. I seee my doctor in the morning and I will ask them there but?

concidering this quesiton is on my mind now I would like to ask this now. Regarding ovarian cancer in the latter stages why do I get sharp pain that lasts for about 5-10 seconds in different parts on my body unexpectantly then goes away, like near my kidneys, my leg, my side etc. can this happen with latter stages of ovarian cancer, I need to know before I see my doctor in the morning for treatment. And if it does happen then why? Urgent answers please.

One more question before I go to bed. I seee my doctor in the morning and I will ask them there but?
This is WHY you are going to the doctor. He can tell you why you are having pain and he can tell you what to do for it. He has your charts and history and your most recent tests like MRI's and scans. No one here can answer this accurately.
Reply:Ask your doctor. As has been stated multiple times to your answers what you describe isn't normal for ovarian cancer.

You've already asked this identical question almost 20 times in at least three categories over a couple days and havn't found the answer you want yet.

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