Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can't figure my weight problem? Seriously need help. Getting scared.?

When I was 20, I weighed 110 lbs. I was riding race horses. Then I got pregnant. Over the years I've managed to get my weight down a few times, but it doesn't stay off. In 1996-1998 I stayed at about 120. Up it went. In 2002 I was diagnosed with cervical/ovarian cancer. Surgery took care of all of it (I was 36 yrs), and my weight was at 130. I felt better than I had for years. Now, I'm at 200 lbs!!!!

I get checked for diabetes twice a year when I get my cancer checks done. Borderline for diabetes. Thyroid tests keep coming back negative. My husband does all the cooking, and it's mostly baked chicken or fish. He makes me eat green veggies 3/ 4 times a week (I don't like veggies), I don't eat candy or drink soda. I do enjoy plain pop corn sometimes (I don't like salt either). Also, we have 4 large dogs and no yard so I walk about 8 mls a day. Plus 3 flights of stairs. I'm getting scared because when I lay down, I feel like there's about 50 pounds sitting on my chest. I can't breathe.

Can't figure my weight problem? Seriously need help. Getting scared.?
I know exactly what you are talking about , I have a blog post about that , read it here
Reply:Quit eating so much.

You may be eating "healthy" but, I bet you are eating "healthy" for like 6 people (quantity).

It wouldn't kill you to exercise either.
Reply:I have actually been reading about the effects of food allergies on weight. You could have a food allergy you are not aware of. Do you binge eat at all? Do you drink a lot of coffee and tea sweetened with sugar? If you really walk about 8 miles per day I can't see you gaining that much weight without a medical reason.
Reply:The walking is great but are you getting any weight training or anything like that, It some times makes a differance. I know what you are going through with the weight gain. I have gained about 120 pounds in the last 6 years and I try and try to lose weight. If you get any good answers let me know will you? Good luck!!!
Reply:i'm glad you have cancer beat now, diabetes can cause poor circulation and water retention. the wieght gain could also be genetic, but don't know if it runs in your family. i think it could be because of the diabetes, but i'm just guessing since your thyroid checks out.
Reply:I do not read you are doing any exercise. The only thing that will get your weight off is exercise. Dieting will never get it off. At the most it will keep the same or keep bouncing. The best exercises are the ones that use leg mussels because they are the ones that burn fat and get the weight off your body. For starters biking for a few miles a day is good. With some additional weight on the bike would make it faster.

Try sitting up and down every day about 30 times. You should do this only if you can. By sitting I mean the way a pigeon sits and then stand up, then sit again then stand up and so on.

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