Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have just had an ultra scan and it's showing I have a bulky ovary. I have been have pain in lower back and

stomach, and probably more tired than normal. 4 years ago I had a radical tracheloctomy and pelvic lymph gland removed as had early stage cervical cancer. worried I have ovarian cancer, seeing my consultant in one weeks time, but that is a week of worrying. could it be anything else, I am trying to look on the bright side, but can't.

I have just had an ultra scan and it's showing I have a bulky ovary. I have been have pain in lower back and
it could be a cyst but even if it is malignant you can have ovary removed successfully good luck
Reply:It could be an ovarian cyst.

I have had several and they cause back pain and and you feel terrible for a few days and they usually break on their own and if not the usual treatment is birth control pills.
Reply:Cyst are painful and so are ovaries if they burst, my daughter had that, if you do not understand get your doctor to explain in more clear terms, he is not in charge of your body YOU are and have the right to know what the heck he means
Reply:A week of worry is a long time. You can go to the hospital and get a copy of the report ahead of time if you want one. I've done that. I had a 10.1cm mass on my left ovary, no pain but hemorraging each month. I was put on Lupron for a year and the mass has shrunk to 5.0, and we'll go from there. I see my dr on the 14th. Bulky can mean there are debris, cysts, scar tissue, and/or a mass but that doesn't mean it's cancer. Have you had the ca125 blood test? You need to ask for that, it's a good predictor. My first test was 70, normal is 35, my next one was 41, which was a good sign. It could be so many things, try not to worry.

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