Monday, November 16, 2009

Medical question (female)???

I am terrified of ovarian cancer...or any kind of cancer for that matter...not that I dwell on it or anything but lately I can't seem to get it out of my mind...I don't know why but a couple of weeks ago, something just made me look up ovarian cancer on the net...well, I had most of those, I know that the same symptoms for a lot of serious illnesses can be the same as some problem that is not serious but I do have these things going abdomen is a little bloated...I feel pressure or fullness there...upper and lower...honestly, I think I look about five months pregnant...I do have a pad of just plain ole fat on my belly but not huge or know how your stomach feels when you are WAY it is protruding out with that pressure...that's what it is like...even when I am lying down...also my periods are HEAVY...I feel some tenderness when I press fairly hard on my stomach, upper ab area...I do have fibroids but I am worried this is something else.

Medical question (female)???
My ex had fibroid and the symptoms you are describing sound just like the ones that she had. When they operated she had one the side of a softball. I would suggest that you make an appointment to see a doctor and get a confirmed diagnoses. Best of luck to you.

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