Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do believe the press when they claim articles like this?

I can't believe they want to push for birth control pills to be sold over the counter.

You know for whatever benefit they may have to prevent ovarian cancer (which seems to be the big push) I think they forgot to mention all the complications of long term use.

Everyone I know that was on the pill for decades seems to be to have all kinds of gynelogical problems.

I know I tried it and I put on 30 pound in 3 months with one type and I got my period for 3 weeks with the "low hormone" one so I never ever took it.

Meanwhile, my sister who was on it for 20 years nearly died after childbirth needing a hysterectomy as her uterus refused to contract, %26amp; has ovarian cysts etc. She has a whole slew of other weird medical conditions and her kids have all kinds of weird illnesses too.

It could be genetic perhaps but you are messing with HORMONES here. I dont buy it

Do believe the press when they claim articles like this?
Well all I know is that I had three shots of Depo-Provera, I got pregnant after the third shot anyway..and now I have leukemia, despite my otherwise very healthy lifestyle. I actually found a group of women online that used this shot and now have the same kind of leukemia just 1 or 2 years later. Maybe it's something, maybe nothing..but I find it should be looked into.
Reply:many woman only have positive experiences from it you know...

and its better than getting pregnant if you dont want a family and dont like/forget condoms..
Reply:I was on the pill for 24 years and have had absolutely no problems. IMy sister is still on the pill and has been for 27 years. I have had children with no complications. In fact, being on the pill made my life incredibly happy. I didn't have cramps, pain, no acne, etc. I had a 2-day period for 24 years. No cramps, no hemorrhaging, etc. like my friends who weren't on the pill. I'd be the first one yelling "yahoo" if they went over the counter. It would definitely help lower the teen pregnancy rate.
Reply:The article you listed above was based on the experience of 40,000 women using an oral contraceptive. You sister was a test group of 1. So the article definitely has statistical science on its side.

That being said, it is true that a lot of these studies are biased towards the business interest of the pharmaceutical companies.
Reply:I don't buy anything I hear anymore. One minute spinnach is good for yer heart, the next it gives you toenail do they come up with this stuff?!
Reply:I am not surprised it's just an incentive or they think to lure young minds into believing false promises. The implications are not clearly given , a pill that controls birth plus diseases..sounds stinky to me.

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