Friday, May 21, 2010

Ovarian pain on and off, bloated ,frequent urination?

hello everyone could anyone give me any information about ovarian cancer or pelvic pain at 23 i have had on again off again right sided pelvic pain feels like my ovary i have had frequent urination for 2 years i recently for 2 months had urgent urination i have back pain,pain during sex deep shrp stabbing pain not all the time, fatigue bloating and other symptoms but they could be from so many different things i had an ultrasound a year ago or so and the results came back fine so my dr dissmissed the pain thing told me it is nothing to worry about. my dr just did a manual pelvic axam and a pap smear both fine my grandma just told me that my grandpa's mom died from ovarian cancer and his sister died from cancer i don't know what kind. my grandmas ant had breast cancer and my mom had some srt of pre cancer (don't know what that is) but i am only 23 any answers would be so appreciated i don't really think it it is ovarian cancer but the thaught that it could be is in the back of my mind

Additional Details

13 hours ago

i also had urine test and there are no signs of infection this and the pelvic exam was done 2 days ago the ultrasound was dont a year ar so ago thanks for all answers

1 hour ago

i have pain during or after sometimes both when haveing intercourse with my husband and i pass stool everymorning but it switches between slight constapation to very soft mith some mucus (sorry for the gross details )my pelvic area does feel like there is fullnes so for all test like bacteria in the urine normal ulrasound a year ago normal manual pelvic exam done by doctor normal thyriod and all that normal no signs of diabetes all tests normal thank you all so much for all your wonderful answers :):):)

Additional Details

2 days ago

i also drink lots of water some juice not much and little caffine almost no soda i mosly only realy drink water bottled water

2 days ago

the pain in my pelvic (ovary) is an on again off again pain some days it is a stronger pain and some days it last longer i am 23 now and on my 19 birthday the pain dropped me to my knees and went to emergancy they could find nothing the on again off again pain has been since then always in the same spot but after intercourse there is a major pressure one day i could barly sit down i also have to go pee if there is any pressur put on my stomach thanks again for all answers

8 hours ago

my doctor thinks it might be interstitial cystitis hasn't done tests yet but 'm on a no caffine no juice diet for a month till my next appointment

Additional Details

1 second ago

the frequent urination since i started the no caffine no juice diet the urination has gone from frequent ,urgent to I feel the constant need to urinate but i can't go again right after i just had a pee i feel bloated all the time deep pain and tenderness ,sorness is getting worse to i have had the frequent urination for like 2 years but it has gotten wors in the past 3 months it has gotten mor frequent and more urgent i get up 2 time in middle of the night ,I have no energy not like i did acouple months ago I feel so drained of energy and my back gets so sore and my neck gets so still some morning i'm so stiff an sore i can barly move and just feel so drained i sweat lots esspecialy under my eyes and ubove my lip and of course my under arms the only time i don'e feel bloated is first thing in the morning after a bowel movement and even then some times i feel bloated thanks so much in addvance for all your advice thanks again have a great day everyone:):):)

Ovarian pain on and off, bloated ,frequent urination?
Welcome to the world of health care for women. "Abdominal pain, NYD" (not yet diagnosed) is an extremely common affliction in women. For too many decades it was assumed that it was "all in our heads," so medicine has a lot of catching up to do in terms of properly understanding women's bodies.

First, your big fear, ovarian cancer:

Ovarian cancer can strike ANY woman at ANY age. Your family history of it is not strong, however. One of the reasons that it's such a killer is that it typically doesn't cause any symptoms until it is very advanced. So the fact that you have had symptoms for so long, and nothing has turned on any tests, suggests to me that it is not a prime suspect for your problems.

Now this is just a shot in the dark: you gave us a lot of detail, but you haven't said what you do for birth control. If you use a diaphragm, stop using it NOW. Even when it fits fine, sometimes the way you and your bf "fit" together means the metal ring is being thrusted into sensitive organs and literally bruises them, so you will have pain that can persist many days later. If that is the problem, you should know fairly quickly after you stop using it.

But really, you sounds like such a textbook case of endometriosis I'm surprised your doctor hasn't mentioned it. Endometriosis is when the tissue lining the uterus grows out of control, _outside_ the uterus. It can be difficult to diagnose, because the unwanted growth is variable and erratic, and it will cause a multiplicity of symptoms depending on which organs it is adhering to. Sometimes it will be your bowels that don't seem right, or the ovaries, or the bladder, etc. For the same reason, some women can have extensive endometriosis and very few symptoms, if it hasn't adhered to anything crucial or sensitive; other women have very little growth but acute symptoms because of where it is.

An utrasound is not a sufficiently sensitive diagnostic tool to properly rule out endometriosis, because it can sometimes be in temporary remission, or it can be "hiding" behind another organ and be impossible to see.

Ask your doctor why they haven't done a laparascopy. That is when a small camera is inserted through the belly button, and with it they can go look at _everything_ in your lower abdomen. It is the best way to find endometriosis if it is there, as well as get a very good look at your ovaries and rule out anything there as well. It is a somewhat invasive procedure, as something is inserted in your body, and is done under anaesthesia. But it seems to me that the severity of your symptoms warrants a thorough examination.

I should add that endometriosis mostly affects women who have not yet had children, and that the best cure for it, believe it or not, is pregnancy. Endometriosis rarely affects fertility, so if that is what you have, it's possible that not much can be done about it since you still have so many childbrearing years ahead of you, and having a baby should take care of it. (in severe cases in older women the "easiest" remedy is simply to remove the uterus).

Pain in and of itself can be very deceptive in the lower abdomen, since everything ultimately travels up the same root nerve. So, in addition to endometriosis, your symptoms can be of many other things. I'll give you a few:

Appendicitis is very much a possibility. In the old days, appendicitis usually progressed quickly, until it had to be removed in through emergency surgery. For some unknown reason, such cases are rare nowadays. Appendicitis rather seems to produce vague and intermittent symptoms that come and go for years, without developing into the sort of full-blown attack that gets one rushed to hospital %26amp; operated.

Salpingitis, (infection of the fallopian tubes), or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (generalized infection of the reproductive organs in women) are both possible, but after so long you probably would have become quite ill, with bad bouts of fever. Both of these would be visible by laparascopy.

You should definitely be tested for chlamydia. It's worth doing even if the odds of being infected are slim, because it's a very simple test, and chlamydia is very, very often misdiagnosed in women.

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is also a possibility. That one is tricky to diagnose. Even a cystoscopy (camera inside the bladder) can be inconclusive. If this is the problem, cutting out juice and caffeine isn't enough. You haven't given details of your diet, but I will tell you this: the problem is caused by _any_ food or drink that can irritate your bladder, particularly acidic foods. So if you've cut out juice but are still consuming oranges, tomatoes or tomato sauce, most kinds of fruit, carbonated beverages, alcohol, anything flavored with citric acid, salad dressings with vinagar, mustard, pickles, or even a lot of meat, you won't notice any improvement, because all of these (and, unfortunately, many more!) can acidify urine.

If you want to see whether IC is a worthy "suspect," I suggest you put yourself on a completely bland diet for about one week. I know, it's awfully boring, but if that's your problem you will notice a difference very quickly. Stick to whole grains, seeds, cereals, legumes, vegetables (except tomatoes), try to cut out all meats and dairy, and sweets. Don't use any seasonings or condiments (I already said, it IS boring). Drink ONLY water, and lots of it. If IC is your problem, you should notice a dramatic improvement fairly soon. If that is the case, you can then try to re-introduce all the foods you eliminated one by one to see which ones bother you the most, and which ones you can tolerate.

Unfortunately, at present there is no cure for IC, only a few medications that offer some relief to some patients. Since each case is different, you will have to learn to manage your symptoms yourself by trial and error. The IC Network on the 'net is an excellent resource.

Sheesh. This is DEFINITELY the longest answer I've ever written. My apologies, but I hope it helps!

Good luck, and keep us posted.
Reply:I developed a 9.5cm ovarian cyst in a week. So the ultrasound that you had a year ago doesn't really mean much as far as a cyst is concerned. Trust me when I tell you that it hurt!

I also had loads of abdominal pain due to endomitriosis. By the time I had my hysterectomy (at age 40) it had adhered to my bladder and bowels. I had similar problems to what you're reporting concerning the bowel and bladder.

When you said that you have had a pelvic exam, was it done by an OB/Gyn or was it done by a GP? I'd go to an OB/Gyn for this problem. It is not something to put off.

When that ovarian cyst grew so fast, I had called my doctor, who said not to worry about it, that I was just ovulating. The pain got so bad that I could not sleep. I finally had my husband take me to the hospital which is where they diagnosed the cyst. They actually admitted me overnight to make sure it didn't rupture since it had developed so quickly. If your pain is interfering with your ability to sleep and function...and it sounds like that is what is should probably go to the hospital ER.
Reply:WOW!! :) I'll try to address your main complaints. Are you sure you're not pregnant. Bloating, frequent urination, increased body temperature, pain in the abdomen --- all signs of pregnancy. But, I suppose you've already had a pregnancy test and you've had pap smears, soooo. :) I'm not too certain if you'l actually "feel" pain and "know" that it's your ovaries ... why do you think that your ovaries are aching. If this is what you truly feel...look up information on Polycystic Ovarian Disease and compare your symptoms to this. You could even get checked for an ectopic pregnancy, although this would have been determined during your ultrasound.

Additionally, have you ever had your appendix removed?? Perhaps this is the pain that you're feeling (and it's more common that POD). A quick and simple "at home" check ~ lay on your back and get your husband, mom, whoever, to bend your right leg at your knee (but not too forcefully) and push it towards your stomach (almost touching your stomach), then with your knee still bent have whoever push your leg inwards (towards the left side of your body) then outwards (still bent) ... see what type of abdominal pain you have ---- IF IT'S TOO severe then stop and go to your physician and see about getting checked for appendicitis.

Hmmm, what else, as far as the dyspareunia (painful intercourse) this can be caused by many things including stress, a prolapsed uterus, a fallen bladder due to childbirth, or even ovarian cysts (which are common).

The polyuria (increased urination) can also be caused by a multitude of things, or even a side effect of the aforementioned problems. I really hope I was able to help a little, and I hope you feel better. :)
Reply:oh man..ok definetly do not let the Doc talk you out of anything..this is your body and you have the right to get sounds like a lot going on...frequent urination sounds like you could have a kidney problem...did they do an ultrasound on your kidneys too?...wait ok first you tell your MD you want a referral for a Urologist...let's start ruling out things...need to do an ultrasound on kidneys and pancreas too i believe is on right side....also an MRI maybe and there is a test a urologist can do ...they put a catheder in you and put water in it and then fill your bladder...hold it and then you go right there on the table (with those blue cotton absorp things)...they take xrays of it to see how it functions...ok and your MD could have least just put you on something good like Bactrim to just see if there was the possiblity of a UTI...did he do any blood work to check you Platelet count or Hemocrit?...and there is a pill out there...oh man starts with a D i think for frequent urination...because that is not normal..then again I wouldnt' want to take it just to mask it so you still need to get to the bottom of it....ok that sounds like lactose intolerance...stay away from the dairy and see about your pain and different stool no ice cream cottage cheese,,,any cheese...get the "special milk" you get any types of pain after you eat stuff with bread or wheat in it?...could be you have Celiac that...there is also a "bug" that lies in people ..the short form of it os called an H. Pylori...but that can lead to an ulcer because it eats away in your stomach,,,antibiotics clear that up in 10 days and all that is is a blood test to see...that one is no biggy...pain during sex...ok have you AND your partner been checked for sexual diseases like chlamydia ? I hope you can trust him too....hate to sound that way but if he lies and then brings something home to you well unless he gets meds he'll just reinfect you...but then again I guess if it comes up positive and you haven't cheated ...then you know who should also see an allergist specialist....oh and there is a problem women cna have who get so tensed during sex it hurts...the muscle tightens..oh it's something like vagimitis? you'll have google that....ok what else...mid cyle women can have another weird name thing mittleschnizil...soemthing like that..just means you have pain when ovulating...tired ..well we all have that problem in this day and age but I don't know what to look for with that..I am not a doctor or a nurse...just worked in a hospital lab for 10 years and had some of these things in my family it could be a kidney infection ...that would be back could be anemic or have a B12 deficiency...body will not break down B12...could be your Md should have taken about 4 tubes of blood...find our what if an ything he did and memorize all this stuff to ask about and don't let him/her brush it could have fibroids or that polycystis thing...have you spoken to your GYN about that stuff?..make sure you see specialist not just your primary care your age and your family history they should make sur eyou get an annual pap and also because of the breast cancer they should check you out at least once now...not like at 35 when you get your first baseline...that is what they take then and thenwait until 40 to start your annual mammograms..they always go back to look at how your 35 year old one did...but my girlfriends whole family and diiferent generations have had breast they put her on THE Pill and did annual when she was in hight school..hey thats another thing...The Pill..see about that...that may straighten some things out with the female thing..I know a lot of people put on that for the pains you describe...then of course there are other a gall bladder problem but that is right where you stomach begins...more likely you could be passing gall need to see a gastroentologist too..for that stuff...or you have cysts that break up before anyone can see them...also you could have diverticultis...check that out....that is painful...anything with seeds gets trapped in your intestines...usually though there is pain but diarrhea...gall stones are VERY young lady I wouldn't worry about just may have one or two things that need to be fixed....then enjoy life! so tell your MD you have like 4 specialist you need to see and don't take no for an's y our body...good luck
Reply:Good evening

It is really hard to get a diagnosis with pelvic pain since it could be many causes.

I would go to a womens doctor first and do all the test they have for that kind of pain.

then if they find nothing, go to urolgist. One of these should be able to help you and if not find two new ones. I am sorry but sometimes the process takes a while.

You could have interstitial cystitis which is hard to diagnose. It feels like a bladder pain but with no infection.

Another symptom is frequent urination with ic. after drinking orange juice, caffine.

First thing though you need to get back to the doctor and make sure they do all test possible. It seems something is wrong.

I don't think you have cancer though

Good luck and take care

Reply:Find an OB/GYN doctor and take the first appointment they have. The doctor you are seeing is not effectively treating your problem.
Reply:it sounds like u have an STD!

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