Monday, May 17, 2010

Does this mean cancer?

my mother called me and now im so upset she had cancer before ovarian cancer that was years ago maybe ten today she called crying because she had a x-ray of the back her neck because it was sore and they called back with a message saying they did see a knot kinda where the top of her spinal cord begins she is so scared that this could be cancer could this be something else

Does this mean cancer?
Cancer is one possibility. There are many others, most of them, unfortunately, less likely than cancer. A benign tumor or a fatty tumor are possibilities. Some of the possibilities are things potentially worse than cancer...aneurysm, blood clots, and a few others.

Blood tests and possibly a biopsy will be required to make a final diagnosis. For now, there is nothing that you can do except to provide her as much emotional support as you can. is not usual procedure to make this kind of notification by phone. This is usually done in person at a follow up visit.
Reply:X-ray of that area should be the first of more definitive testing like CT scans and a MRI to make a diagnosis.Follow-up with her MD,and make sure she gets those tests,if he agrees. Only then will you both know for sure.Good luck,take care. SW FNP
Reply:Honey, it could be anything, a shadow, a beign knot, etc. Only doing more testing with tell what it actually is. I know it is hard to not think of the cancer, but try to stay positive, for yourself and your mom. Pray and good luck

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