Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pelvic pain feels like ovary pain please help I eppreciate all advice Thanks?

hello everyone could anyone give me any information about ovarian cancer or pelvic pain at 23 i have had on again off again right sided pelvic pain feels like my ovary i have had frequent urination for 2 years i recently for 2 months had urgent urination i have back pain,pain during sex deep shrp stabbing pain not all the time, fatigue bloating and other symptoms but they could be from so many different things i had an ultrasound a year ago or so and the results came back fine so my dr dissmissed the pain thing told me it is nothing to worry about. my dr just did a manual pelvic axam and a pap smear both fine my grandma just told me that my grandpa's mom died from ovarian cancer and his sister died from cancer i don't know what kind. my grandmas ant had breast cancer and my mom had some srt of pre cancer (don't know what that is) but i am only 23 any answers would be so appreciated i don't really think it it is ovarian cancer but the thaught that it could be is in the back of my mind

Additional Details

13 hours ago

i also had urine test and there are no signs of infection this and the pelvic exam was done 2 days ago the ultrasound was dont a year ar so ago thanks for all answers

1 hour ago

i have pain during or after sometimes both when haveing intercourse with my husband and i pass stool everymorning but it switches between slight constapation to very soft mith some mucus (sorry for the gross details )my pelvic area does feel like there is fullnes so for all test like bacteria in the urine normal ulrasound a year ago normal manual pelvic exam done by doctor normal thyriod and all that normal no signs of diabetes all tests normal thank you all so much for all your wonderful answers :):):)

Pelvic pain feels like ovary pain please help I eppreciate all advice Thanks?
I also have a sharp pain when my husband and I have sex and he goes too deep! When I asked my OB about this, he said that it is because I have a "tilted pelvis" and it just causes pain if sex is too deep.

It could also be that you have a bit of Endometriosis. Its nothing to worry about but it can cause you to have pain during sex and much more pain then normal during your monthly periods!!

You might also go see your OB again and have another ultrasound done. It could be that you have a cyst or something on your overy.

My friend actually just recently went through the very same thing. She was having horrible pain on her right side, it hurt to have sex, and it got MUCH worse when her period started! It finally got to the point where she simply couldnt tolerate the pain anymore so she went to her OB. She had a cyst on her overy which had ruptured and was hemmoraging! It was actually bleeding INTO her overy. Her overy was turned around 180 degrees and had lost blood flow. She had to have that overy removed and the cyst removed. It wasnt a HUGE deal... just something you dont really want to take a chance with ESPECIALLY if you havent had the children that you want yet! Luckily my friend has already had the 3 children she wanted! Its not that she CANT have anymore... its just that she is only "working with" one overy now! :)

In any case, you should really go to your OB. Better safe then sorry! But I would NOT worry about cancer!! I know its a scary thing and it seems like almost EVERYONE is getting some type of it these days, but at this point, worrying will do you no good!! Much luck and I am sure that you will be fine!! :)

I hope that helps!! Take care!
Reply:Do you drink alot of soda? Kinda sounds to me like you don't drink enough water. All of your symptoms listed can be acquainted with not drinking enough water.
Reply:I'm 19 and I have sharp pelvic pains around both my ovaries and have very irregular periods. Plus I've always struggled with my weight and hardly ever overeat. I'm supposed to get an ultrasound but I'm afraid they'll tell me I have polycystic ovaries and can't have children or worse ovarian cancer (which my grandmother nearly died from). I suppose I'll get my ultrasound and if your interested I could keep you posted about what the doctors think is going on with me, since we have similar symptoms. Plus I just had a pap smear and bloodwork done that did come back normal...but I guess that doesn't mean anything. Have you been tested for pcos?

I am on here for the same reason as you are, so I dont know if I can help to answer your Q, but will try. I am 27. Have had 2 children, 1st one by C-section, 2nd one vaginally. I have all the same problems that your describing, right down to the stoll probs. I find with sex it doesnt matter how much lube we use, how into it I am, how much foreplay, it almost always hurts, and for about a day after intercourse I have a severe dull ache in my lower pelvic musles, and low in my stomach between the pubic bone and my belly button. Deep sex is certainly more painful, but shallow does it too! It is awful, and I think it certainly impacts my marriage, even though he is understanding, I feel bad about not being able to finish sex once its started, and often I just dont let it start, for fear of the pain. I have goole searched, and so far I have only come up with "vaginisum. Maybe look that up, and see what you think. If you do find something more suited, please email me at (is it meant to have .au on the end???) I hope you find the solution, I understand how you feel, and Im sure its not cancer! They (Drs) would have found something. Good luck.

Reply:I have the same problem with pain in my right side, ovary. My ultrasound, pelvic exam, pap smear and hormone tests came out fine. I'm going in tommarrow at a different clinic for a second opinion. Is your period normal? Mine is very messed up. I'm also 23, no children, but plan to so I don't want this problem to get worse.
Reply:i had similar problems years ago....

i did get pain during sex alot ...but found if i changed positions regularly while having sex i was in less pain...

doc found cysts in my ovaries.....(they were removed and drained)..

i haven't had problems in years...


until recently my doc thought i was pregnant as i hadn't had periods since February...

i just found out 2 weeks ago i have PCOS..

and i am now getting treated for it....

i needed to be tested again in 2 months to see if things have changed....

good luck...

and if your not happy with what your getting told keep asking for more info of the doctor...
Reply:i get the very same thing, but also have polycystic ovaries.

When you get this pain do you sometimes get the pain in the bowel areas too, like shooting pains when you move?

I have the same symptoms as you, it starts in my right side near the ovary area and travels to my back, then it will travel to my bowels, i find it hard to move because of the pain.

After doing a lot of tests and finding nothing wrong with me, i finally looked at some sites online and found that i may have IBS - irritable bowel syndrome. I went to my doctor about this and fund that i did infact have IBS.

With IBS you may find that sometimes you will become constipated for no reason and other times you will find that your bowel movements are a lot looser. It is very common in women, some women do not suffer as bad as others so it goes unnoticed and untreated.

Go to your doctor and ask to test for IBS, if this is what you have there are a few things that can help prevent it, like your diet etc. Be very persistant with your doctor though they may push the test forward a lot quicker which may give you a diagnosis a lot quicker, which will help with treatment.

Until then i find Ibuprofen helps, its an antiinflamitory which will help if the cause os infammed, so the pain will ease off a little or maybe go away, they works wonders on me, i take them as soon as i feel it coming on so i never have to feel the horrible strengh of the pain.

I feel for you though because if it is IBS the pain can be extreley bad, to the point where you cannot move because the pain is too much.
Reply:You may have a cyst
Reply:well you are just 23 you can't have anything malign. maybe it is an inflammation...

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