Sunday, April 26, 2009

My so messed up!?

ok here we go...i was on the pill for 3 years to regulate my hormone imbalance. i came off it like 8 or so months ago. i didn't have my period again until like 5 or 6 months later. my last period was 41 days ago, and my period before that was 50 days before that (which was my first one since coming off the pill) and it was very light and only lasted for like 2 days. i'm pretty sure i'm not pregnant since we used protection (and i haven't had sex for over a month) and i took a pregnancy test a few days ago and it was negative. i'm afraid to go to the gyno even tho i'm sopposed to since i'm 18 and sexually active. and i don't want to find out that i have ovarian cancer or anything traumatic like that.

so is this normal? should i stop worrying?

My so messed up!?
it is not exactly normal but it is not ovarian cancer. go back to the gyn, you need the pill to regulate your cycles. may even need help with infertility when you do try to get pregnant. very common with this-called polycystic ovarian syndrome. search it to learn more
Reply:To be safe and healthy should go visit your doctor.
Reply:gurl u better take ur behind to the gyno asap to see if all thats normal cuz they need to look inside u and nobody on here can do that on the internet sweetie so thats the best i can say and i got off the pill a month and a half ago and my period came 2 weeks ago and it was normal the way it was b4 i started and it was 7 days long just like before so im fine and i dont think that u are supposed to be having so much trouble with that so set an appointment and most likely its not cancer but to be sure get to the docs asap! good luck!
Reply:sounds to me like u might be pregnant
Reply:don't worry and go see your dr.
Reply:yeah go the the DOCTOR!!! REALLY YOU NEED TOO!
Reply:If you're confirmed not pregnant, I would suggest you to take herbal products of 'Manjakani'. It will help your period, make your vagina tighter as well as remove unpleasant odor from your intimate area.

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