Sunday, April 26, 2009

Has anyody ever had a CA-125 test done.....?

I'm freaking out. The doctor told me that I have a cyst on my left ovary. Then he ordered a CA-125 test to be done. Its a blood test that checks for ovarian cancer. I'm freaking out. I know the test is just a pre-caution. But I'm so worried. I see the doctor tomorrow for the results. Anybody else been in this type of situation?

Has anyody ever had a CA-125 test done.....?
I had it done with my cysts too. I think it's a pretty common occurrence. Your doctor just wants to be sure and provide you the best care. It's better to know so your doctor can treat you properly. It's normal when someone says cancer but most cysts are benign (non cancerous). Try not to worry unless you have to. Good luck!
Reply:I also have cysts, and my CA125 was 14.8. Norm range being 0.0 to 35.0.


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